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  • I Pal, M Jadhav, MR Savina, DZ Shulaker, CJ Dory, F Gyngard, N Kita, et al.. Heavy Element Isotopic Measurements of High Density Presolar Graphite Grains with LION. LPI Contributions 2678, 1262.


  • Gyngard F, Trakimas L, Steinhauser ML. High-Fidelity Quantification of Cell Cycle Activity with Multi-Isotope Imaging Mass Spectrometry. In: Cardiac Regeneration. Humana, New York, NY ; 2021. pp. 257–268.

  • El Khoudary SR, Fabio A, Yester JW, Steinhauser ML, Christopher AB, Gyngard F, Adams PS, Morell VO, Viegas M, Da Silva JP, et al. Design and rationale of a clinical trial to increase cardiomyocyte division in infants with tetralogy of Fallot. International Journal of Cardiology. 2021;339 :36–42.

  • Yester JW, Liu H, Gyngard F, Ammanamanchi N, Little KC, Thomas D, Sullivan MLG, Lal S, Steinhauser ML, Kühn B. Use of stable isotope-tagged thymidine and multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry (MIMS) for quantification of human cardiomyocyte division. Nature protocols. 2021;16 (4) :1995–2022.

  • T Stephan, M Bose, A Boujibar, AM Davis, F Gyngard, P Hoppe, et al.The Presolar Grain Database for Silicon Carbide—Grain Type Assignments. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2358.


  • Narendra DP, Guillermier C, Gyngard F, Huang X, Ward ME, Steinhauser ML. Coupling APEX labeling to imaging mass spectrometry of single organelles reveals heterogeneity in lysosomal protein turnover. Journal of Cell Biology. 2020;219 (1).

  • T Stephan, M Bose, A Boujibar, AM Davis, CJ Dory, F Gyngard, P Hoppe, et al. The presolar grain database reloaded-silicon carbide. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2140.

  • PR Heck, J Greer, L Kööp, R Trappitsch, F Gyngard, H Busemann, et al. Lifetimes of interstellar dust from cosmic ray exposure ages of presolar silicon carbide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (4), 1884-1889.


  • Gyngard F, Steinhauser ML. Biological explorations with nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry. Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry. 2019;34 (8) :1534–1545.
  • C Lerchenmüller, A Vujic, S Mittag, A Wang, C Rabolli, F Gyngard, et al. Exercise-Induced New Cardiomyocyte Formation in the Aged Mammalian Heart. Circulation 140 (Suppl_1), A14692-A14692.

  • PR Heck, J Greer, L Kööp, R Trappitsch, F Gyngard, H Busemann, et al. Evidence for Presolar Grain SiC Aggregates from Cosmogenic Nuclides. 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 82 (2157), 6112


  • Wildburger NC, Gyngard F, Guillermier C, Patterson BW, Elbert D, Mawuenyega KG, Schneider T, Green K, Roth R, Schmidt RE, et al. Amyloid-β plaques in clinical Alzheimer’s disease brain incorporate stable isotope tracer in vivo and exhibit nanoscale heterogeneity. Frontiers in neurology. 2018;9 :169.

  • Vujic A, Lerchenmüller C, Mittag S, Wang A, Rabolli C, Gyngard F, Guillermier C, Steinhauser ML, Rosenzweig A, Lee RT. Exercise-Induced New Cardiomyocyte Formation in the Aged Mammalian Heart. Nature Communications. 2018;140 (Suppl\_1) :A14692–A14692.

  • Gyngard, F., Amari, S., Zinner, E. and Marhas, K.K. (2018) Correlated silicon and titanium isotopic compositions of presolar SiC grains from the Murchison CM2 chondrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 145-161.

  • Gyngard, F., Jadhav, M., Nittler, L.R., Stroud, R.M. and Zinner, E. (2018) Bonanza: An extremely large dust grain from a supernova. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 60-86.

  • Lewis, J.B., Floss, C. and Gyngard, F. (2018) Origin of nanodiamonds from Allende constrained by statistical analysis of C isotopes from small clusters of acid residue by NanoSIMS. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 237-254.

  • Ireland, T.R., Ávila, J.N., Lugaro, M., Cristallo, S., Holden, P., Lanc, P., Nittler, L., Alexander, C.M.O.D., Gyngard, F. and Amari, S. (2018) Rare earth element abundances in presolar SiC. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 200-218.

  • Stephan, T., Trappitsch, R., Davis, A.M., Pellin, M.J., Rost, D., Savina, M.R., Jadhav, M., Kelly, C.H., Gyngard, F., Hoppe, P. and Dauphas, N. (2018) Strontium and barium isotopes in presolar silicon carbide grains measured with CHILI-two types of X grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 109-126.

  • Trappitsch, R., Stephan, T., Savina, M.R., Davis, A.M., Pellin, M.J., Rost, D., Gyngard, F., Gallino, R., Bisterzo, S., Cristallo, S. and Dauphas, N. (2018) Simultaneous iron and nickel isotopic analyses of presolar silicon carbide grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 87-108.

  • PR Heck, M Jadhav, MMM Meier, T Maruoka, S Amari, EK Zinner F Gyngard, et al. Neon isotopes in individual presolar low‐density graphite grains from the Orgueil meteorite. Meteoritics & planetary science 53 (11), 2327-2342.

  • S Amari, NT Kita, F Gyngard. Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Presolar Graphite Grains from Murchison Fraction KFB1. 49th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1818


  • Gyngard, F. (2017) The Chemical Evolution of Ti Isotopes in the Galaxy: Presolar Grains, Local M Dwarf Stars, and Model Predictions, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

  • Lewis, J.B., Isheim, D., Floss, C., Gyngard, F. and Seidman, D.N. (2017) Multi-Scale Carbon Isotopic Analyses Show Allende Nanodiamonds are Mostly Solar with Some PreSolar, 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Avila, J.N., Ireland, T.R., Lugaro, M., Cristallo, S., Holden, P., Lanc, P., Nittler, L., Alexander, C.M.O.D., Gyngard, F. and Amari, S. (2017) Rare Earth Element Abundances in PreSolar SiC, 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Amari, S., Kita, N.T., Gyngard, F. and Lugaro, M. (2017) Oxygen Isotopic Study in High-Density Graphite Grains from the Murchison Meteorite (CM2), 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Amari, S., Kita, N.T., Gyngard, F. and Lugaro, M. (2017) Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High-Density Presolar Graphite Grains from Murchison, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.


  • Trappitsch, R., Stephan, T., Davis, A.M., Pellin, M.J., Savina, M.R., Gyngard, F., Bisterzo, S., Gallino, R. and Dauphas, N. (2016) Iron and Nickel Isotopic Compositions of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains from AGB Stars Measured with CHILI, 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Stephan, T., Trappitsch, R., Davis, A.M., Gyngard, F., Hoppe, P. and Pellin, M.J. (2016) Strontium and Barium Isotopes in Type X Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains Analyzed with CHILI — Two Types of Supernova Grains, 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Lewis, J.B., Floss, C. and Gyngard, F. (2016) NanoSIMS Measurements of Small Aggregates of Allende Nanodiamonds, 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Avila, J.N., Ireland, T.R., Lugaro, M., Gyngard, F. and Karakas, A. (2016) Gadolinium and Dysprosium Isotopic Compositions in Stardust SiC Grains from the Murchison Meteorite, 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Haenecour, P., Floss, C., José, J., Amari, S., Lodders, K., Jadhav, M., Wang, A. and Gyngard, F. (2016) Coordinated Analysis of Two Graphite Grains from the CO3.0 LAP 031117 Meteorite: First Identification of a CO Nova Graphite and a Presolar Iron Sulfide Subgrain. The Astrophysical Journal 825.

  • Haenecour, P., Floss, C., José, J., Amari, S., Lodders, K., Jadhav, M., Wang, A. and Gyngard, F. (2016) Presolar Graphite from a CO Nova, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 1580.

  • Floss, C., Croat, T.K., Gyngard, F. and Ogliore, R. (2016) The Laboratory for Space Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 1260.


  • Groopman, E., Zinner, E., Amari, S., Gyngard, F., Hoppe, P., Jadhav, M., Lin, Y., Xu, Y., Marhas, K. and Nittler, L.R. (2015) Inferred Initial 26Al/27Al Ratios in Presolar Stardust Grains from Supernovae are Higher than Previously Estimated. The Astrophysical Journal 809.

  • Heck, P.R., Jadhav, M., Gyngard, F., Busemann, H., Maden, C. and Wieler, R. (2015) Presolar Neon-22 in Individual Graphitic Supernova Spherules from Orgueil, 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, p. 5332.

  • Haenecour, P., Floss, C., Wang, A., Gyngard, F., Amari, S. and Jadhav, M. (2015) A Unique Presolar Graphite in the CO3.0 Chondrite LAP 031117, 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, p. 5006.

  • Liu, N., Savina, M.R., Gallino, R., Davis, A.M., Bisterzo, S., Gyngard, F., Käppeler, F., Cristallo, S., Dauphas, N., Pellin, M.J. and Dillmann, I. (2015) Correlated Strontium and Barium Isotopic Compositions of Acid-cleaned Single Mainstream Silicon Carbides from Murchison. The Astrophysical Journal 803.

  • Stroud, R.M., Zinner, E.K. and Gyngard, F. (2015) Structural and Chemical Heteorogeneity in the Bonzana Supernova SiC Grain, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 2576.

  • Croat, T.K. and Gyngard, F. (2015) Isotopically-Extreme Inclusions and Isotopic Heterogeneity in Supernova Graphitic Spherules, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 2489.

  • Heck, P.R., Gyngard, F., Maden, C., Busemann, H., Wieler, R. and Avila, J.N. (2015) New Interstellar Helium and Neon Exposure Ages of Presolar Jumbo SiC Grains from Murchison, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 1748.

  • Groopman, E., Amari, S., Gyngard, F., Jadhav, M., Lin, Y., Xu, Y. and Zinner, E. (2015) Isochrons and Al Contamination in Presolar Grains, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 1559.

  • Liu, N., Davis, A.M., Gallino, R., Savina, M.R., Bisterzo, S., Gyngard, F., Pellin, M.J. and Dauphas, N. (2015) The 13C-pockets in AGB Stars and Their Fingerprints in Mainstream SiC Grains, ArXiv e-prints.


  • Gyngard, F., Ávila, J.N., Ireland, T.R. and Zinner, E. (2014) Evidence for Large-Scale Dust Migration in the Milky Way from Presolar Grains, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Gyngard, F., Avila, J.N., Ireland, T.R. and Zinner, E. (2014) More Interstellar Exposure Ages of Large Presolar SiC Grains from the Murchison Meteorite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, p. 2348.

  • Liu, N., Davis, A.M., Gallino, R., Savina, M.R., Bisterzo, S., Gyngard, F., Dauphas, N. and Pellin, M.J. (2014) The Carbon-13 Pockets in AGB Stars and Their Fingerprints in Mainstream SiC Grains, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Lewis, J.B., Isheim, D., Floss, C., Groopman, E., Gyngard, F. and Seidman, D.N. (2014) Isotopic Composition and Trace Element Abundances of a Presolar SiC AB Grain Reconstructed by Atom-Probe Tomography, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Stroud, R.M., Gyngard, F., Nittler, L.R. and Zinner, E.K. (2014) Transmission Electron Microscopy of the Bonanza Supernova SiC Grain, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society.

  • Liu, N., Savina, M.R., Davis, A.M., Gallino, R., Straniero, O., Gyngard, F., Pellin, M.J., Willingham, D.G., Dauphas, N., Pignatari, M., Bisterzo, S., Cristallo, S. and Herwig, F. (2014) Barium Isotopic Composition of Mainstream Silicon Carbides from Murchison: Constraints for s-process Nucleosynthesis in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 786.

  • Zega, T.J., Nittler, L.R., Gyngard, F., Alexander, C.M.O.D., Stroud, R.M. and Zinner, E.K. (2014) A transmission electron microscopy study of presolar spinel. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 124, 152-169.

  • Liu, N., Davis, A., Gallino, R., Savina, M., Bisterzo, S., Gyngard, F., Pellin, M. and Dauphas, N. (2014) The 13C-pockets in AGB stars and their fingerprints in mainstream SiC grains, XIII Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XIII).


  • Gyngard, F., Amari, S., Zinner, E. and Marhas, K.K. (2018) Correlated silicon and titanium isotopic compositions of presolar SiC grains from the Murchison CM2 chondrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 145-161.

  • Gyngard, F., Jadhav, M., Nittler, L.R., Stroud, R.M. and Zinner, E. (2018) Bonanza: An extremely large dust grain from a supernova. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 60-86.

  • Lewis, J.B., Floss, C. and Gyngard, F. (2018) Origin of nanodiamonds from Allende constrained by statistical analysis of C isotopes from small clusters of acid residue by NanoSIMS. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 237-254.

  • Ireland, T.R., Ávila, J.N., Lugaro, M., Cristallo, S., Holden, P., Lanc, P., Nittler, L., Alexander, C.M.O.D., Gyngard, F. and Amari, S. (2018) Rare earth element abundances in presolar SiC. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 200-218.

  • Stephan, T., Trappitsch, R., Davis, A.M., Pellin, M.J., Rost, D., Savina, M.R., Jadhav, M., Kelly, C.H., Gyngard, F., Hoppe, P. and Dauphas, N. (2018) Strontium and barium isotopes in presolar silicon carbide grains measured with CHILI-two types of X grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 109-126.

  • Trappitsch, R., Stephan, T., Savina, M.R., Davis, A.M., Pellin, M.J., Rost, D., Gyngard, F., Gallino, R., Bisterzo, S., Cristallo, S. and Dauphas, N. (2018) Simultaneous iron and nickel isotopic analyses of presolar silicon carbide grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 87-108.


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Frank Gyngard, PhD

Application Scientist and Research Consultant


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